The Update Hub – Dementia Care Workshops, News, and Events
Welcome to our News and Views – update hub! Here, you’ll discover the latest on our workshops, latest news, and monthly blog posts. Stay tuned as we’ll be adding downloadable resources over time. Remember to check back regularly for new updates. If you haven’t already, please consider following us on social media! There, we regularly share updates and informative posts.

Online workshops
We host online workshops! These are available for anyone around the world to attend! Please take a look at our up and coming online workshops until April 24!
Contact us today to find out more on info@mindful-care.co.uk
or book via https://www.eventbrite.com/cc/mindful-care-tc-online-workshops-2812749
POSTPONED- Online Brain changes and Dementia Care workshop – Teepa Snow
Unfortunately we have had to cancel our February Workshop! This is now planned to go ahead in April! Please do register your interest on ‘contact us’ so we can ensure that you receive one of the number of limited tickets available to this event!

25 Jan 2023

20th Jan 2023
Online Cognitive Stimulation Therapy workshop
On January 26th 2023 we will be holding an online workshop on Cognitive Stimulation Therapy. The workshop will provide you with the tools to set up a group in your care home or community.
For more information please visit the link below

Navigating Grief in the Festive period: Empathetic Support During Christmas
With the festive period around the corner ( in a week…. how did that happen?!), it’s crucial to recognise that not everyone embraces this time with expected joy and happiness. Christmas, for many, serves as a poignant reminder of losses endured or challenging circumstances faced. The experience of loss isn’t solely about having said goodbye to someone or som thing in whatever way that is or was; it’s about recalibrating life in the absence of what once was, and these adjustments can feel particularly profound during a season that is meant to be about cheer! Loss can be in many ways – it can stem from bereavement, the complexities of coping with illnesses or caring for someone, such as caring for a loved one living with Dementia, it could also be from trying to come to terms with substantial life-altering changes. In times of such emotional turbulence, extending empathetic support becomes the foundation of providing comfort and strength to those in need.
Understanding the Complexities of Grief:
Grieving isn’t a straight forward road; it’s more like a mix of feelings, memories, and changes. Especially during the festive season, these feelings can suddenly become stronger, making the gap from loss or change feel bigger. Remember, healing doesn’t follow a schedule or time; it’s different for everyone and very personal.
Guidance for Providing Support:
- Being there to listen: Sometimes, the best help you can give is just being present and giving them space to share how they feel without judging them.
- Respecting their pace: Not everyone feels like celebrating. It’s important to respect their choice if they prefer a quieter time or being on their own.
- Helping practically: Doing little things, like helping with errands or chores, can really ease their load during this tough time.
- Creating new traditions together: If it feels right, coming up with new ways to remember their loved one or mark this time in a special way can help them feel connected.
- Understanding their feelings: Instead of clichés, it’s essential to acknowledge how they’re feeling. Letting them know it’s okay not to join in with celebrations is really important for their emotional health.
- Staying supportive: Grieving doesn’t stick to a schedule. Offering support after the holiday season is just as important, showing them they’re not going through it alone.
Christmas is happy for lots of people, but for those coping with loss or changes, it can be a time of deep feelings and ups and downs. Being kind and supportive to those dealing with grief, whether it’s due to missing someone, health issues, or big changes, can bring them a lot of comfort during this festive time. If you know anyone that has experienced a loss or change from very recent to maybe a while ago – check in with them and let them know you are there for them in whatever way you can.
We wish everyone a peaceful and comforting Christmas –
with all of our love and support
The Mindful Care Training and Consultancy Team

New Year Old Routines – How to support your child with Autism
As the holiday season winds down and a new school term starts, parents or carers of children with autism often face unique challenges in transitioning back to school routines. The break from structured school days and the excitement of the holidays can disrupt established routines, leaving some children feeling anxious or unsettled about returning to school. However, with thoughtful preparation and a few targeted strategies, parents can greatly ease this transition. This has been written with the intention to offer practical advice for parents to help their children with autism readjust to the school environment, re-establish routines, and start the new term with
confidence and ease. From re-introducing daily visual schedules to fostering open communication, these tips are designed to provide a smoother start to the school term for both children and their parents or carers.
Understanding the Complexities of Grief:
- Re-establishing Routines: Gradually reintroduce school-day routines a few days before school starts. This includes bedtime, waking up, meal times, and getting dressed. Consistency helps ease the transition.
- Visit the School: If possible, do a ‘dry run’ to the school before the term starts. You may even be able to access the building to familiarise them with the environment. This can reduce anxiety.
- E-mail the Teacher: If you are concerned about your child or their needs/ behaviours have changed, do reach out to discuss this your child’s/ ward’s teacher, SENCo or assistant. You can suggest that you think will work. Of course, remember it is the holiday so you may not get a response straight away!
- Visual Schedules: Use visual schedules to outline the daily school routine. Pictures or symbols representing different activities can be particularly helpful.
- Social Stories: Create social stories that depict various school scenarios. This can help your child understand what to expect and how to behave. You may want to ask for these ahead of any holidays or potential changes or disruptions so that you introduce your child/ ward to them early.
- Sensory Preparation: Ensure that your child/ ward has any sensory tools they might need, like noise-canceling headphones or fidget toys, ready for the new term.
- Dress Rehearsal: Practice the first day of school at home, including getting ready, travelling to school, and saying goodbye.
- Calm Down Strategies: Remind your child/ward of strategies to stay calm or ask for help when they feel overwhelmed.
- Stay Positive: Express excitement and positivity about school and new learning opportunities. Your attitude can influence your child’s/ ward’s outlook.
- Open Communication: Keep the lines of communication open with your child/ward. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns about going back to school.
- After-School Routine: Plan a relaxing or enjoyable activity after school to look forward to. This helps associate school with positive experiences.
- Feedback and Adjustment: Be prepared to adjust routines and strategies based on your child’s/ ward’s feedback / IEP meetings.
We look forward to being able to offer some more (hopefully helpful) articles on different areas of special needs in the coming weeks and months. We hope in the springtime to be able to offer some online webinars for parents, carers and teachers on ways to identify, support and advocate for those with additional needs. Please do contact us on info@mindful-care.co.uk to register your interest!
With our support and love
The Mindful Care Training and Consultancy Team
Author – Hannah Grange
SEN Specialist Training and School Improvement manager

Untangling Beliefs: Dementia Across different Cultures

Unlocking the Potential of Montessori Dementia Care: Does it Truly help?

The Hidden Cost of Stress: Redefining Workplace Priorities

Striking a Balance: Halloween Decorations in Care Homes – Fun or Frightful?
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Contact us for details on our online dementia care workshops.
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